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My online students are animals!

by Bruce Siegel on May 10th, 2012

No–I’m not badmouthing anyone. I’m just stating a fact.

You see, there’s a website that allows me to gain certain information about DoctorKeys users. Because when I see a pattern of frequent visits, I sometimes can’t resist typing in the internet address to see what part of the world all that love is coming from.

I know it’s silly, but I’ve been having some fun with this. I’ve got students from just about any country you can think of, and have been learning a lot about geography.

So I punched in the numbers for one guest today and here’s what came up:

And I thought, cool–several of my former hometowns are on that map (Teaneck NJ, Fort Lee, Union City, and New York City).

So I zoomed in to get a more precise location for my new student, and here’s what I saw–I kid you not:

So what’s the story here? Is this because “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” and “Octopus’s Garden” are on one of my most popular tutorials?

Or is there an entirely different reason why someone in the Bronx is going ape over my videos?

Whatever the case, if you’re the mystery visitor, I’m not trying to rattle your cage. But if you’d stop monkeying around for just a moment and send me an email, I’d appreciate it.

Or, depending on who or what you are, just give us a tweet (or squawk, grunt or howl).

And to my other readers, before you start worrying that I’m spying on you, all I can find out about a user is the general neighborhood where they live. So rest easy, you beasts.

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